The capture form can be invoked by either double-clicking or selecting Capture Screen from the tray menu. If you have not set up Grabber2k to run from the tray menu (see Startup options) then when you start Grabber2k the Capture form will be visible.
The capture form is where all captured images can be viewed, before they are saved, printed or moved to the clipboard. When an image is captured it will be displayed in the window area in the Capture form. Whilst the image is displayed, it is in memory and it is possible to manipulate it further.
If the image is not in the clipboard, then you can still place it in the clipboard from here. If you select either Edit, Copy from the main menu or right click on the image and select Copy, or press Ctrl + C, the image will be moved to the clipboard.
Whilst opening the images popup menu (right click on the image), you will have noticed several other options. Such as :-
Save As : It is possible to Save the image under another name using either the JPG or BMP format. The image can be saved anywhere with any name. Unfortunately, the image quality cannot be fine tuned at this point, so they will save a True Colour images.
Print (Ctrl-P) : It is possible to print the image at this point
Print Settings : You can alter the printer settings, so the image can go to another printer for example. You may want a colour image of what you have just captured and therefore need to redirect the output to a colour printer.
Settings (F9) : This will invoke the Settings dialog
The main menu
The main menu consists of File, Edit, View, Tools and Help options. All options found on the toolbar can be found on the main menu. There are a few more besides, as the toolbar is desinged to have only the most used options. These additional otions are :-
View, Normal
View, Stay on Top : Stay on Top and Normal are toggle style switches for switching between a form that behaves normally and one that will always be "On Top" of all other forms. If you have never seen this type of option before, then select Stay on Top and try to move another form over the top of it.
Help, About : Displays the Version information and Free resources
Help, Tutorial : Starts up the Help file and go's to the 45 minute Tutorial
Help, Support : Starts up the Help file and go's to the Support Topic
Help, FAQ : Starts up the Help file and go's to the Frequently asked questions topic
The form footer
When an image has been captured. the Capture form footer will always display "Ready to capture: Press Print Screen to continue". If this does not appear, then the likelehood is something is wrong. If it does not display this, then follow the instructions on the footer.
The Capture form has a minimum size and will not go below this. This is to prevent a user from inadvertently sizing the form so small that it cannot located easily.